Speed Humps Come to Chislehurst

New speed humps have appeared in the Chislehurst High Street Car Park. Such humps are exceedingly painful to people like me with back pain complaints (of which there are a great number).

As Bromley Council have an adopted policy of a preference for non-vertical deflection traffic calming schemes I am very surprised that these humps have been installed. I would guess they have been installed to stop wheelies and other motorised ASB in this car park, no doubt to the annoyance of local residents, but I am not sure they will stop that anyway. Why has the Council ignored its own policy?

Was there any consultation with councillors or the Chislehurst Society before these were installed? I am not currently aware of any.

I have campaigned against the use of speed humps for many years. You can read all about the negative aspects of them on this web page: https://www.freedomfordrivers.org/speed-humps.htm

Postscript: I complained to recently elected Councillor Mike Jack about these humps. After trying to justify the humps he said “I 100% support the council decision to use speed humps in this situation”. Note that he and the other Chislehurst Matters candidates campaigned on the basis that the previous Chislehurst councillors did not listen to the electorate or failed to take action. But it seems nothing has changed in that regard.

Roger Lawson

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